What's Next: Purpose | SXSW


Each year, the world's leading innovators, entrepreneurs, and creatives converge in Austin, Texas for one of the most highly anticipated events of the year - SXSW. The annual festival brings together film, music, and cutting-edge ideas that shape the world we live in. At The Next Practice, we're passionate about unlocking what’s next. We believe in harnessing the potential energy that exists at the intersection of Purpose, Analytics, and Human Creativity. We have curated a list of seven sessions that embody the spirit of "Purpose" at this year's SXSW festival. From thought-provoking talks on emerging technologies to inspiring stories of social impact, these sessions are sure to inspire and educate

Finding Your Purpose: Why Putting Purpose over Profits is Good for Business

Saturday March 11th, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Hilton Austin Downtown Salon H

Film & TV Badge, Interactive Badge, Music Badge, Platinum Badge, SXSW Online

At The Next Practice, we believe that purpose, when it sits at the heart of a company's business model, has the potential to both benefit society and drive business growth. Hamdi Ulukaya's ongoing mission for Chobani aligns with this definition of purpose, as he believes that businesses have a responsibility to address society's biggest problems, starting with the workforce and workplace. This session will explore the need for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and business-minded people to adopt people-first values within the workplace and create opportunities for employees to grow and thrive, while also dispelling the myth that companies cannot act for social good without compromising business performance.

Corporate Activism: Speaking Out and Taking Action

Saturday March 11th, 4:00pm-5:00pm

JW Marriott Salon GH

Interactive Badge, Platinum Badge

This session explores an important aspect of purpose-driven business, which is the role of corporations in addressing social issues and civic engagement. By using their platform to speak out for social justice, corporations can have a significant impact on shaping public discourse and driving change. Purpose-driven companies recognize that they have a unique role to play in addressing social issues and can leverage their resources and influence to create positive social impact. By aligning their business model with a broader purpose, they can create a virtuous cycle where the good of society and the growth of the business go hand in hand. This discussion relates to the growing importance of ESG (environmental, social, and governance) practices in modern business. As companies increasingly prioritize ESG initiatives and incorporate them into their business strategies, the role of purpose-driven business in addressing social issues and civic engagement becomes even more important. Purpose-driven companies recognize that their ESG commitments are integral to their broader purpose and can use these commitments to create positive social impact and contribute to the well-being of society. This panel will provide valuable insights into how purpose-driven businesses can effectively integrate ESG practices into their overall approach and leverage their influence to drive meaningful change.

It Takes the World to Map the World

Sunday March 12th, 1:00pm-2:00pm

Austin Convention Center Exhibit Hall 4

Film & TV Badge, Interactive Badge, Music Badge, Platinum Badge, SXSW Online

At The Next Practice, we're always looking for ways to harness the power of data and technology to create positive change. That's why we're excited to attend this panel, which explores the potential of location data to transform industries and improve the well-being of the planet. Location data is changing the way we move and interact with the world around us, creating new business models and challenging age-old industries. In this panel, experts will discuss how collaborative mapmaking can accelerate innovation and disruption, and how companies, countries, cities, and nonprofits are using location data to make smart decisions. This discussion highlights the potential for data and technology to create positive social and environmental impact. By unlocking the value of location data, we can make better decisions that benefit both businesses and society as a whole. We're looking forward to hearing from those at the heart of this conversation as they discuss the mechanics, challenges, and opportunities of this location data ecosystem.

Data Rights are Worker Rights

Tuesday March 14th, 10:00am-11:00am

Hilton Austin Downtown Salon K Room 6AB

Platinum & Interactive Badge

As the world becomes increasingly reliant on technology, millions of workers across the world are contributing to its growth through platform-mediated gig work and algorithmic management. However, concerns about worker surveillance, algorithmically determined wages, and automated knowledge capture have risen. Join this panel to delve into the intersection of data and labor in the tech industry. At The Next Practice, we believe in valuing the contributions of all individuals and promoting equity in the workplace. This panel will explore how the data economy can work for everyone and the role workers play in reimagining our data culture. It's important to consider the hazards and safeguards of the lopsided relationship between data-collecting employers and laborers and prioritize the protection of workers' rights in the age of data.

The Largest Cleanup in History

Sunday March 12th, 4:00pm-5:00pm

Austin Convention Center Ballroom A  

Film & TV Badge, Interactive Badge, Music Badge, Platinum Badge, SXSW Online

Plastic pollution in the oceans is a pressing issue that affects not only marine life but also our planet as a whole. The Ocean Cleanup offers a solution to this problem by developing innovative technologies to remove plastic from the ocean. Their two-pronged approach involves both stopping the inflow of plastic through rivers and cleaning up what has already accumulated in the ocean. This aligns with The Next Practice’s value of "purpose," as we believe in leveraging technology to solve important global issues. The conversation with The Ocean Cleanup founder and CEO, Boyan Slat, who has dedicated himself to this cause, offers insight into the role of technology and innovation in addressing such pressing global problems.

Building Trans-Inclusive Workplaces for the Future

Monday March 13th, 11:30am-12:30pm

JW Marriott Salon 2-4

Film & TV Badge, Interactive Badge, Music Badge, Platinum Badge

As a company that values diversity and inclusion, this panel on LGBTQ+ rights in the workplace aligns with our purpose. The transgender community faces unique challenges in the workplace, including discrimination, harassment, and lack of representation. This panel addresses these challenges and proposes ways for companies to create a safe and accepting community for their transgender employees. By highlighting personal experiences, the panel emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique needs of transgender employees and taking action to support them. As a company, we believe that all employees should feel empowered to express their full identities, and we support efforts to create more inclusive workplaces for everyone. This panel is a great choice for anyone who prioritizes creating a workplace that values diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Worldbuilding with LEGO, Pinterest & Amplify

Sunday March 13th, 10:00am-11:00am

JW Marriott Salon GH

Platinum & Interactive Badge

In this panel, LEGO, Pinterest, and Amplify will explore how brands can use worldbuilding strategies to create fandoms through immersive storytelling. Worldbuilding is a powerful tool that film directors and novelists have used for years to create captivating environments for their stories. By constructing connected worlds, brands can create engaging storylines and environments that place their audience at the center of the narrative. We at The Next Practice believe this approach is purposeful as it encourages brands to create a deeper connection with their audience and have a positive impact on culture. By designing worlds that encourage audience participation and shareability, brands can broaden their influence on culture and create a sense of community around their brand.

Izzy Taber
Marketing Associate